In early 2020, prior to lockdown, Corridor took part in a Creative Cafe at The Littlehampton Academy (TLA) delivered by Culture Shift as part of Artswork’s Arun Inspires programme.
The Corridor team spent time working with Year 9 pupils exploring their perceptions of living in Littlehampton, asking them to think about public art and create a visual map about the experience of living in Littlehampton. They told us what happens, where to go and importantly what’s missing. We asked them to think about what artwork or projects might make a difference.
This programme builds on that experience, with a creative learning programme for TLA students that resumes these creative conversations and begins to develop an ecology and infrastructure for youth voice in local regeneration plans.
The Corridor team are working remotely with A Level Photography students developing students’ photography skills & expertise and developing ideas for public art interventions with students and investigating different approaches to art in public spaces.
The programme also connects young people with artists. Guest artist speakers Lucy Joyce, Nilupa Yasmin, Mark Murphy, Felicity Hammond and Alejandra Carles-Tolra (pictured here recording a zoom presentation with Annis) are presenting their work to the group through a series of online presentations, focusing on photography in the public realm and simultaneously helping increase students’ awareness of creative career paths and develop a better understanding of ‘what artists do’.